Perlis Special Branch was monitoring Amri before he disappeared, Suhakam inquiry told

By Ashley Tang | 26 June 2018

KUALA LUMPUR: A Perlis Special Branch officer has confirmed that social activist Amri Che Mat was being monitored over his alleged Syiah links prior to his disappearance.

“According to the investigation of my research papers on Syiah, Amri Che Mat is also on the list to be monitored,” Asst Supt Razman Ramli told an inquiry of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) over the disappearance of Pastor Raymond Koh, Amri, Pastor Joshua Hilmi and his wife Ruth Sitepu.

ASP Razman heads the Perlis Special Branch Social Extremism Division.

During the inquiry Tuesday (June 26), he explained that his department monitored religious issues and social problems in schools, such as school fights.

When asked by Datuk Jerald Gomez, who is Amri’s family counsel, on what basis was he being monitored, ASP Razman said it was over allegations of the activist spreading the teachings of Syiah.

However, when probed further, ASP Razman said that since he helmed the department, Amri was not found spreading Syiah teachings.

ASP Razman was previously an officer in the Perlis Special Branch Economics Department before leading the Social Department in 2016.

He added that only officers from his department were involved in the monitoring of Syiah activities, as it was their main task.

Previously, Amri’s wife, Norhayati Mohd Ariffin, had claimed that ASP Razman was among the Special Branch officers who monitored Amri before his abduction in Kangar on Nov 24, 2016.

Amri left his home in Kangar in his SUV but never returned that night. His vehicle was later found with the windscreen smashed.

26 June 2018- Live: Perlis Special Branch was monitoring Amri before he disappeared