Mingguan Malaysia 22 December 2013 The Star Online 20 December 2013 Bernama 27 December 2013


Mingguan Malaysia 22 Disember 2013

Nurul AF2 dan suami menang kes saman fitnah

TV3 diarah bayar RM320,000

KUALA LUMPUR 21 Diş. – Mahkamah Tinggi, di sini memerintahkan Sistem Televisyen Malaysia Bhd. (TV3) membayar ganti rugi RM320,OOO kepada bekas peIajar Akademi Fantasia musim kedua (AF2), Nurul dan suaminya, berhubung tuntutan menyiarkan gambaran visual bersifat fitnah dalam rancangan Melodi, dua tahun lalu.

Hakim Datuk Nor Bee Ariffin membuat keputusan itu hari ini dengan kehadiran peguam David Dev Peter yang mewakili pasangan Nurul atau nama sebenarnya, Nurullah Zawawi, 31, dan Mohd. Munzil Muhamad, 30, manakala TV3 diwakili dua peguam, R. Divya Nair dan Wee Jason.

Turut hadir di galeri awam untuk mendengar keputusan itu adalah Mohd. Munzil dan keluarganya namun Nurul tidak kelihatan.

Dalam penghakiman Hakim Nor Bee menetapkan RM250,000 sebagai ganti rugi manakala selebihnya sebagai kos perundangan.

Pasangan itu selaku pihak plaintiff memfailkan pernyataan tuntutan pada 5 September 2011 dengan mendakwa saluran televisyen itu antara pukul 12.30  tengahhari dan 1.30 petang, 26 Jun tahun sama menyiarkan fitnah mengenai status perkahwinan serta hal ehwal peribadi mereka melalui rancangan Melodi.

Selain TV3, mereka menamakan penerbit Melodi Azman Abd. Ghafar, wartawan hiburan, Michelle Wee Lili, syarikat ALT Media Sdn. Bhd. dan abang kandung Nurul, Bustamam Zawawi sebagai defendan pertama hingga ketujuh.

Nurul dan Mohd. Munzil menyatakan, gambaran visual yang disiarkan membawa maksud antaranya, perkahwinan mereka tidak sah di sisi undang-undang dan agama selain menipu ibu bapa serta keluarga dan jahil dalam soal agama.

Hakim Noor Bee membuat keputusan setelah mengupas semua insiden yang berlaku dalam kes saman itü selain mendapati pembelaan pihak defendan tidak dapat dibuktikan.

Tambahan pula menurut beliau, Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Hulu Langat telah mengesahkan pernikahan mereka mengikut hükum syarak.

Selain itu, ujar Hakim Noor Bee, Nurul telah cuba mendekati bapa kandungnya tetapi usaha itü tidak berjaya.

Dalam saman tersebut, pasangan itu menyatakan akibat penyiaran Visual oleh pihak defendan, reputasi mereka telah dianggap sebagai rendah.

Sehubungan itü pasangan terbabit menuntut ganti rugi teruk, ganti teladan selain injunksi agar tidak mengulangi fitnah tersebut.

Mohd. Munzil sebelum ini seorang pensyarah di sebuah universiti tempatan kini sedang melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat doktor falsafah (PhD) di sebuah universiti luar negara.

Beliau juga sebelum itü pernah bertugas sebagai Timbalan Pendakwa Raya di Jabatan Peguam Negara.


The Star Online 20 December 2013

Former Akademi Fantasia star Nurul wins suit against TV3

KUALA LUMPUR: TV3 and four others have been ordered to pay damages totalling RM250,000 to former Akademi Fantasia Season 2 star Nurullah Zawawi and her husband in a defamation suit over a report on their marriage status two years ago.

In allowing the suit filed by Nurullah and husband, Mohd Munzil Muhamad, High Court Judge Datuk Nor Bee Ariffin also ordered the five defendants to pay costs of RM70,000 to the couple.

Besides TV3, the four defendants named in the suit were producer of the Melodi programme, Azman Abd Ghafar; journalist Michelle Wee Lili; Alt Media Sdn Bhd and Bustamam Zawawi, who is Nurul’s brother.

Nurul and her husband filed the suit on Sept 5, 2011 after the television station, in its Melodi programme on June 26, 2011, issued a statement on their marriage and a visual referring to them, which they claimed were defamatory.
The couple claimed that the visual shown during the programme gave an impression that their marriage was not valid and that they had no respect for their parents.

Besides general, aggravated and exemplary damages, the couple, represented by lawyer David Dev Peter, also sought an injunction, costs and other relief deemed fit by the court.

The judge also said that the marriage between Nurul and Mohd Munzil was valid as it was confirmed by the Hulu Langat Syariah Court. – Bernama


Bernama 27 December 2013

Former Akademi Fantasia star Nurul Wins Suit Against TV3

KUALA LUMPUR Dec 20 (Bernama) – The High Court here Friday ordered TV3 and four others to pay damages, totalling RM250,000, to former Akademi Fantasia Season 2 star Nurullah Zawawi and her husband in a defamation suit over a report by ‘Melodi’, an entertainment programme aired by the television station, on their marriage status two years ago.

In allowing the suit filed by Nurullah and husband, Mohd Munzil Muhamad, Judge Datuk Nor Bee Ariffin also ordered the five defendants to pay costs of RM70,000 to the couple.

Besides TV3, the four defendants named in the suit were producer of the Melodi programme, Azman Abd Ghafar; journalist Michelle Wee Lili; Alt Media Sdn Bhd and Bustamam Zawawi, who is Nurul’s brother.

Nurul and her husband filed the suit on Sept 5, 2011 after the television station, in its Melodi programme on June 26, 2011, issued a statement on their marriage and a visual referring to them, which they claimed were defamatory.
The couple claimed that the visual shown during the programme gave an impression that their marriage was not valid and that they had no respect for their parents.

Besides general, aggravated and exemplary damages, the couple, represented by lawyer David Dev Peter, also sought an injunction, costs and other relief deemed fit by the court.

Nor Bee, in her decision, said that the marriage between Nurul and Mohd Munzil was valid as it was confirmed by the Hulu Langat Syariah Court.- Bernama


Mingguan Malaysia 22 December 2013 The Star Online 20 December 2013 Bernama 27 December 2013