GENERAL & CIVIL LITIGATIONThe firm’s general litigation practice provides services over a broad base of advisory and litigation work.
BANKING & FINANCEThe banking and finance practice of the firm provides services across all areas of transactions and products
PROPERTY & CONVEYANCINGThis department handles client transactions related to the sale and purchase of movable properties
CRIMINAL LITIGATIONThe firm’s criminal litigation team has in depth experience in areas such as offences relating to armed robbery, assault...
FAMILY LAWThe firm handles many Family Law issues for nationals and non-nationals ranging from petitions for divorce...
BANKING LITIGATIONThe banking and finance litigation team undertakes advisory and litigation work related to banking, financial
EMPLOYMENT & LABOURThe employment law team’s services lie in advisory and litigation work concerning all aspects of employment, labour
INTERNATIONAL & DOMESTIC ARBITRATIONThis team handles all aspects of legal issues relating to the construction industry.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYThe firm handles all types of intellectual property – inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images,
PROBATE & ADMINISTRATIONThe probate and administration department deals with all matters related to the administration of estates of